View and Download Organization Metrics Follow
Exhibitor metrics give event hosts, and their sponsors and exhibitors, a view into the attendee trends of their event. Admins of organizations can see their own metrics via their personalized Dashboard, available in the Manage tab of their page.
Accessing Metrics for Organization Admins
An organization's administrators can access the Analytics tab on the Manage section of the Organization Details Page. This tab displays Booth Visits, Conversations, and Content Consumption.
Definitions for each section:
Booth Visits
- Total Booth Visits: displays the total number of all visits to the exhibitor’s page URL, including multiple visits by the same user. This number excludes booth staff (people listed as members of the organization).
- Unique Booth Visits: displays the total number of all unique visitors to the exhibitor’s page URL, excluding booth staff visiting their own booth.
- Leads: all unique booth visitors who have clicked the Want to Meet or Leave Your Card buttons on the organization's page.
- Private Messages: The sum of all private messages sent for all members of the organization (outbound) AND sent to all members of the organization by people at the event who are not members of the exhibitor’s organization (inbound).
- Private Meetings: All private meetings completed for each member of the organization.
- Chat Messages: the sum of all group chat messages that have been posted to the exhibitor’s group chat on the exhibitor’s page and during in-booth webinars launched from the exhibitor’s page, if webinars took place.
Content Consumption
- Total Video Views: total number of all video views in the exhibitor’s page that were uploaded via the Files menu and/or videos attached to agenda items associated with an exhibitor (for example, in an exhibitor showcase session).
- Total Document Views: all documents downloaded from the exhibitor’s page that were uploaded via the Files menu.
Content Consumption Details
- By video: total and unique views
- By document: total and unique views
All metrics are available to be downloaded into a CSV file by selecting the Download CSV button next to the appropriate section.
How often do Exhibitor Metrics refresh?
Exhibitor metrics update when the page loads, and every 60 minutes thereafter.